Special Quiz
- This is a seven-part special quiz, to run over seven days.
- A photo of one ship will be posted each day at11am CDT.
- ALL seven ships in the quiz have TWO things in their history in common.
- The goals are to 1) identify each ship and model manufacturer, and 2) figure out the two common threads.
- Ten points for the first identification of each ship.
- Twently-five points for the first identification of each of the two common threads.
- Greatest point total wins.
- One guess per customer per day for ship identification.
- One guess per customer per day for the common threads.
- The official answer for the ship identification will be posted after 24 hours, i.e., at the time of the next ship posting, and the points awarded, assuming there is a correct answer.
- The official answer for a common thread will also be posted and points awarded if a correct guess has been made in the preceding 24 hours.
- The contest ends 24 hours after the last ship posting, unless there is a tie in the point standings, in which case there will be a tiebreak question.
Quiz Ship #1
Quiz Ship #2
Quiz Ship #3
Quiz Ship #4
Quiz Ship #5
Quiz Ship #6
Quiz Ship #7