M35 2.5-ton Cargo Truck
US Army, Baghdad, Iraq, 2003
(Hobby Master HG5702)
- Weight: 6.4 tons
- Dimensions: 22'10" x 7'9" x 9'3"
- Crew: 1
- Power Plant: REO OA-331 127 hp
- Payload: 2.5 tons (off-road) / 5 tons (on-road)
- Speed: 58 mph road
- Notes: The M35 2.5-ton cargo truck is a long-lived 2.5-ton 6x6 cargo truck initially used by the United States Army and subsequently utilized by many nations around the world. Over time it evolved into a family of specialized vehicles. It inherited the nickname "Deuce and a Half" from an older 2.5-ton truck, the World War II GMC CCKW. The M35 started as a 1949 REO Motor Car Company design for a 2.5-ton 6x6 off-road truck. This original 6-wheel M34 version was quickly superseded by the 10-wheel M35 design. The basic M35 cargo truck is rated to carry 5,000 pounds off-road or 10,000 pounds on roads.